First The Queen, now The High Sheriff of Staffordshire, who will be next?
No sooner had the Royal Wedding celebrations finished and before the Royal letter arrived the next big task was being planned-summer fair 2018.
That is right, following the success of last year’s summer fair and the weather fairy being very kind to us, the time had come to busy the students with planning this year’s fair. Students input dictated we tweak last year’s format and not change it completely.
Tasks identified, invitations sent out and the steel pan man booked.
Oh, the summer sound of steel drums filling the air again brought smiles to everyone’s faces. So, did the letter from our Queen, well sent by her Lady-in-Waiting but on her behalf. That is right a letter from our Queen and boy did its arrival add buckets full of enthusiasm for the summer fair.
Cake ingredients bought and fresh cakes baked, organically grown vegetables dug up and fresh summer fruits picked. The best handmade crafts identified, hanging baskets that had been readied in the greenhouses were brought out into the shade and the stalls built.
The day arrived, the sun shone brightly and the students excelled again. They love these big occasions and being part of them has become a unique part of their lives. You can see their pride in their smiles, smiles that light up eyes and make faces glow with joy.
Talking of joy, it is such a pleasure to see the Mayor, the High Sheriff of Staffordshire and some of the local councillors all interreacting with the students, gleaming secrets on how they grow and look after the vegetables, the fruit and plants for the hanging baskets. The Mayor came early to make sure he had the pick of the rhubarb such is its reputation!
Mums, dads, brothers and sisters, aunts, uncles, grandparents and members of the local community came, graciously buying goods and then leaving the sunny gardens to sample refreshments, light lunches and homemade cakes in the café.
Another glorious day, a triumph for the students and staff.
To cap it all, the very next day, which is always a low after the high of the fair, a letter arrived from the High Sheriff of Staffordshire. She had gone back to her office and written to the students straight away – how kind. You can see the letter below, a few lines that meant so much and brought a ray of bright sunshine on a dull day.